Enrique Chagoya, Highlights from the AMAM Collection Preview

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[OFF VIEW] Enrique Chagoya, "Das Tausendjährige Reich"

Das Tausendjährige Reich, 1995. Acrylic and oil on amate paper. Gift of Driek (OC 1965) and Michael (OC 1964) Zirinsky, 2013.48.4.

[OFF VIEW] Enrique Chagoya, "Elvis Meets the Virgin of Guadalupe"

Elvis Meets the Virgin of Guadalupe, 1994. Color lithograph. Gift of Driek (OC 1965) and Michael (OC 1964) Zirinsky, 2013.48.3.

Enrique Chagoya, "Codex Espangliensis: From Columbus to the Border Patrol"

Author: Guillermo Gómez-Peña (Mexican, b. 1955), Printer: Felicia Rice (American, b. 1954), Codex Espangliensis: From Columbus to the Border Patrol, 1998. Ink and color on Amatl paper. Gift of Driek (OC 1965) and Michael (OC 1964) Zirinsky in honor of Frederick B. Artz, 2013.38.

[OFF VIEW] Enrique Chagoya, "The Pastoral or Arcadian State, Illegal Alien's Guide to Greater America"

The Pastoral or Arcadian State, Illegal Alien's Guide to Greater America, 2006. Color lithograph. Gift of Suzanne Hellmuth (OC 1968) and Jock Reynolds in honor of Jean and William Hellmuth (Former OC Professor of Economics and Dean of the College), 2014.49.

Enrique Chagoya, "Way of Flying"

Way of Flying, 2003. Etching, aquatint, and rubber stamp. Paul B. Arnold Memorial Art Acquisition Fund, 2016.6.

Enrique Chagoya, Highlights from the AMAM Collection
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