The Forest Product Laboratory is the Forest Service’s only federally funded national wood utilization research laboratory. For over 100 years, our research has touched the daily lives of people across the country as we look at ways to use the Nation’s wood resources wisely and efficiently, while keeping forests healthy.
Our 60 research scientists and 150+ support staff work with corporations, universities, and state governments from across the county and internationally, collaborating on projects that drive the transition to a renewable bio-economy. The Lab is responsible for many of today’s wood-based technologies, including:
wood preservatives,
glulam beams,
oriented strandboard, and
fiber-based packaging.
Early research highlights include:
Reducing timber demand for railroad ties by 75% through preservatives research,
Increasing average lumber yield per log from 25% to 60%,
Wood frame technology used in over 90% of our Nation’s homes,
Designing and constructing the Nation’s first prefabricated home
On this tour, we invite you to explore behind-the-scenes research happening at the lab, meet some of our scientists and staff, and learn more about wood products you might find in your day-to-day life. Navigate tour stops from the arrows on screen, or from the menu icon to the top right.