About Van Vleck House & Gardens Tour
Welcome to Van Vleck House & Gardens. Three generations of Van Vlecks have lived here and developed the grounds throughout the past century. In 1993 the heirs of Howard Van Vleck, the last family occupant, gifted the six-acre house and grounds to the Montclair Foundation. Over the last two decades, the generous support and hard work of our donors and volunteers have made it possible for the public to enjoy this beautiful, quiet green space in the heart of Montclair.
The historic property is open from dawn to dusk, free- of- charge, 365 days a year. You are welcome to enjoy its spaces and encouraged to join us for classes, concerts, and special events.
This self-guided tour will walk you through the history of the property, and highlight some of the gardens' main features. There are ten stations throughout the garden. You can visit the stations in any order.
Feel free to pick up a pocket map from the visitor center to supplement your experience.