Castor Bay Writers' Walk Preview

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Text for this tour has been kindly provided by Auckland CouncilWriters have been attracted to Auckland's North Shore since the 19th century, and in the middle years of the 20th century it became a meeting point out of which a New Zealand literary identity began to emerge. Although the surrounding area is today entirely builtup and covered in luxurious houses, Castor Bay is as tranquil as it was when it became both a sanctuary and an inspiration for so many North Shore poets, short story writers and novelists. Terrain: Steep, hilly land. If the trail is begun at Seaview Rd, the going is mostly downhill. The walk is not circular so the return is uphill. The northern end of Milford and the Castor Bay area is hilly. Beach Rd, which leads from the Wairau Creek mouth to Castor Bay, also rises steeply. Duration: Minimum of one hour.Parking: Available on Seaview Rd and Rangitoto Tce.Privacy: The walks are along public roads and contain historical facts about the buildings and the area. Most of the sites on the walks are private property and many are used as private residences. Please respect the environment and the privacy of local residents, and do not trespass on private property. Text for this tour is Copyright Auckland Council.


Greville Texidor (1902-64) and John Reece Cole (1916-84)

Start at Seaview Rd. looking up East Coast Rd on the left is Sheriff's Hill at the corner of East Coast Rd and Stanley Ave. The house at 1 Stanley Ave, behind the shops was the home of...


Phoebe Meikle (1910-1997)

Walk down Seaview Road and turn right into Rangitoto Tce. 41 Rangitoto Tce was for many years the home of Phoebe Meikle.


Robin Hyde (1906-1939)

Continue along and turn left into Prospect Tce. At the corner, pause for a moment to take in the stunning view that inspired so many writers. At 9a Prospect Tce, down a private right-of-way, lived Robin Hyde.


Margaret Escott (1908-77)

Cut through Margery Lane on the right to Inga Rd. Of interest, a little further along is 37 Prospect Tce, once the home of Margaret Escott.


Sam Hunt (1946-)

Walk down Margery Lane, turn right into Inga Rd and walk along the edge of the Milford Marina across the Wairau Creek Bridge and left at the roundabout into Omana Rd.Continue up the rise and turn left into Craig Rd. 27 Craig Rd was the childhood home of Sam Hunt.


D'Arcy Cresswell

Continue along to the beach beside Milford reserve.



Thank you to Graeme Lay for researching and writing this guide, Greg Bowron and Johanna Barnett for their significant contribution and pHd3 for design. We hope you enjoyed these walks. For more information about North Shore City writers, please contact your local library.

Castor Bay Writers' Walk
6 Stops