Balmoral Bungalows Walking Tour Preview

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This walking tour showcases the wide range of residential housing types found during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with special focus on bungalows built in the 1920s and 1930s. The bungalows of Balmoral are special because they clearly illustrate the expansion of the Auckland tram network and the associated residential construction boom during the interwar period.If you enjoy these tours, try the Mt Eden Walks in this App, or download the Billy Apple Compass and visit three public art works by local artist Billy Apple in the Albert Eden Local Board area.

Balmoral Shopping Centre (Dominion Road)

Bungalows reflect their time, with early architect-designed homes for the wealthy and later widespread Californian bungalows shaping Balmoral.As tramlines expanded (1907–1920), farmland became a shopping hub. By the 1920s–30s, cinemas like the Capitol and new businesses emerged, fueling interest in American culture and bungalows.

Tennyson Street

Tennyson Street

Paterson’s Farm (Volcanic & Pine Streets)

Walking from Volcanic St to Pine St, you pass through former Paterson’s Farm, subdivided in the early 1900s, shaping Balmoral’s development.These streets feature villas and transitional villas, blending villa and bungalow styles. Over time, they adopted Californian bungalow elements like large verandahs, as seen at 37 and 41 Pine St.

41, 44 and 45 Halesowen Streets

41, 44 and 45 Halesowen Streets

45 Calgary Street

Continue down Halesowen and turn left into Arabi Street then left into Calgary Street.

Calgary Street

Continue down Calgary Street.

86 Calgary Street

86 Calgary Street

91 Calgary

91 Calgary

Cheapside Buildings

Look across the road to the corner of Dominion Road and Calgary Street to the commercial buildings.

Shackleton & Peary Roads

Shackleton & Peary Roads

Centennial Park

Continue down Shackleton Street, turn left into Bathurst Street and left again into Peary Street. Continue down Peary Street and on your right you will see an entrance to Centennial Park.

Marsden Avenue

Continue through to the other side of the park and turn left onto Marsden Avenue.

Balmoral Bungalows Walking Tour
12 Stops