Storytelling Walk Around Rangihoua Preview

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Diagonally cross the field to the 5k Rangihoua marker

After descending the wide grass track, diagonally cross the large grass reserve above O’Brien Rd to the furthest left hand corner by the road, to pick up the Rangihoua 5k trail markers again heading anti-clockwise around the summit.


1. Leaving the Museum

Start at the Waiheke Museum. This place is well worth a visit, You'll return here at the end of your walk, so you can have a look now, or at the end of your walk.From the Museum, walk westwards along the road about 20m and look for the sign saying Trail to Sports Park.Follow the trail around the horse paddock, the first audio story will play here! Then turn left to cross the bridge across the wetland.


Colin Gordon talks about his road

Keep following the track through the forest.


Follow Rangihoua track left behind the bus stop

The track briefly pops out on the road, past a bus stop, then diverts back into the bush. Take the path to the left marked Rangihoua Track.


Return across the bridge to the Museum

Follow around the edge of the fields and past the Rubgy Club/sports pavilion, where you then retrace your steps down the grass bank by the tennis courts to pick up the track back around the golf course, across the wetlands bridge and back to the museum.


Take the steps down to the left

This part of the track can be a bit muddy but walk up to the left and then right as you continue on the anti-clockwise trail around the summit. The track here is lush bush on the south slope of Rangihoua, on a little-used track. Keep going straight, following the green and yellow markers, as you cross straight over two mountain bike tracks and a wide grass fire break track.Take the left track to descend down some steps and you come out at the corner of the sports fields, where looking back, you discover the name of the track is Manuka Track.


Listen to the story of early Māori by Paul Monin

Continue following this track, which is marked by the Rangihoua 5k loop markers, the old green and yellow poles, plus the new blue and green Council signs! The track skirts the golf course, so beware of flying balls! Keep an eye out for the amazing Kowhai tree, full of tuis and in full yellow bloom from around July until November.As the track leaves the golf course area look for the council markers, cross the mountain bike track and walk directly up the steep grass bank toward the car park and clubrooms.


To the summit, optional.

Optional track to the summit - There are some steep sections as you pick your way up toward the summit. Stop to enjoy the views! The bay below is Putiki Bay. You can see out toward Rangitoto Island, and Auckland City in the distance to the West, and over Waiheke’s valley of vineyards to the North.Return to the wide grass track and turn left to continue the circumnavigation trail of Rangihoua.Please be respectful on the tihi (summit) of the maunga (mountain). This is a tapu place and food and drink should not be consumed here.


A strange event

Follow the track around the paddock and turn left onto the bridge.


Fighting gorse

Walk along the driveway toward Rangihoua (the big hill top you can see to your right), and after the ‘Slow 30km sign’, pass the pond and cross onto the grass on the left, and head up the wide grass track that ascends steeply to the right of the summit. Continue up to the highest point on this track, before it starts to descend, look for the track on the left. This is the track that heads directly toward the summit.



You can reach the tihi (summit) with its stunning views by turning left near the highest point on this track, or you can keep going straight ahead.Dont forget to listen to Historian Paul Monin's account - it can be found at the summit stop.


The Story of Putiki ō Kahu

Carefully retrace your steps back down the mountain . At the bottom, turn left towards the sea.



Come back on a clear evening and enjoy a story about astronomy while gazing at the night sky. Climb right up to the summit, or just sit in the paddock below = it will still be worthwhile.


Burn offs and shearing

Walk to the far corner of the field, you'll see the former woolshed, now the headquarters of the Waiheke Dirt Track Club, across the road. Stay on this side though, and leave the field via the small track next to the road.


Weed control

Continue on following this track, cross several mountainbike trails and turn left at the steps.


Making Tracks

Continue down the bush track and make your way around the rugby field to the sports pavilion. There are public toilets here. Go around to the far end of the building and turn left towards the tennis courts.


Never a dull moment

Head towards the tennis courts, go down the steps and follow the bike trail anti-clockwise around the courts. This is where a lot of wetland revegatation has taken place.


Changes at Rangihoua

Make your way back to the Waiheke Museum via the wetland track that skirts the golf course.

Storytelling Walk Around Rangihoua
18 Stops